Strange times I live in The age of social media and social struggles my attention span is slightly longer than three lines of poetry
Stranger still is my moods and thrills What the days have in store, nothing but the old tale of man and death It keeps me running, forever asking for more, and here comes more
Must I become God, alienate myself, condemn our sins for a cheap righteous thrill?
Strange times I live in, I want to be 21 for entirety I must become an established author So my words may sink deeper in the pages of history But all I have is my unnecessary sufferings To translate my passion into fortune And money is still worshiped And nothing's sincere in things we worship
Or maybe I will join the actors up on that stage, To get paid, busy myself and to ignore life's questions I can almost her them shouting "giddy up! here's a mundane thing or two, I hope you can multitask"
I want to be a spectator on the side Lingering in shadows, waiting for my act, Forever waiting, even if I had no calling For I hardly find a motive to get out of bed
So please, send in your warships, for man has outlived their Gods And these strange times, are getting stranger still and I do not wish to live them through