He and she walk alone so young. So young he and she are. Without another's tender touch and tender kisses. Being without a loving, caring other; expressions desolved by war. They're still in the desert guarding buddies. They're still in war-torn towns. So young they are. Behind every house door lurks an unseen enemy. Every crevice in their home-sweet-home, a hidden device. Every patch of an American road hidden IED'S. Every turn,every corner,every glance,every walk, Every position, for some, a hand gun hidden in his or her belt. So well they learned their craft. Their home vehicles are now Hummvees. Their towns are now the unfriendly and foreign Middle East. They walk alone,these ANGRY ISLANDS, unto themselves they are...
RW Dennen
As we know war is unnatural. Not all suffer as bad because their suffering from PTSD varies. Usually when a war is highly unpopular our veterans aren't treated so good in general. Remember the law of physics and nonphysics, for every action there is an opposite reaction. Thank you.