i. i know that the ear is connected to the nose and the nose is connected to the throat and the throat is connected to the mouth which is probably why, when we kiss, i hear symphonies and when i hear "i love you" travel from your lips to my ear i taste bliss on the tip of my tongue
ii. i read somewhere that smell is most strongly attached to memory this means that i will keep your t shirt forever, and maybe your shampoo, too apparently photographs are not enough
iii. someone told me that it is not the eyes, but the brain that sees eyes are just transmitters but what i see in front of me must be love because it does not register with my mind at all but my heart translates it beautifully for me it knows exactly why its own beat becomes erratic when you enter my thoughts it knows exactly what's going on in this tenement of flesh i call my body
iv. they say that the last of the five senses is not touch, but equilibrium which is probably why, when i don't feel your hands in mine when there is air and not skin my whole world is off-kilter i know what it means to fall in love
This isn't about anyone in particular, just what I feel like love would feel if I ever get to feel it.