'If I love it let it go'? **** that, I say If I love it I'll pin it down I'll make sure it ******* stays.
I love. I love so much it hurts somedays And I'd rather die than let go Than allow it to slip away Than to let it bring itself low.
My hands are cramping, I can't let go I am terrified and I'm crying But if I let go I don't think it'll come back So I can't, I won't, I'm not even trying.
I want to scream and tear the world apart I want to burn every suicidal letter I've written Because I just realized a letter isn't enough I want to make it better for him, for them.
I think I lost my mind today Half of the day is a blank blur I think I might've been hysterical I laughed so hard but I don't know what for.
If you love it let it go If it returns it's yours to keep But if one can't ******* follow Where the hell do the ends meet?
I'm angry, I'm furious, I'm absolutely everything I'm scared, I'm shaking I can't let the things I love go free.