I want you to text me drunk want you to admit you still love me want you to say my name to say please to say I'm sorry to be you again
I want you to tell me about those nights the ones when I would've settled for anyone when I grabbed your hand I want you to tell me how you remember it want to hear you say how safe you felt how right everything was want to look into your eyes because I could never bring myself to then
I want you to need me to love me to hurt me to tell me you hate me want you to want me until it hurts until your heart explodes until you start kicking yourself ****** because you know I will try to fix you want you to be empty to be sad to be angry to be forgotten I want to be there to be thoughts to be longing to be lust to be dark living room to be eighth beer to be cigarette break to be last time to be last time to be last time to be I swear to god this is the last time
I want to destroy you from the inside out want to be worse for you than the ******* in your veins want to fill your lungs like tar to burn your throat when you cough up my name want your eyes to sting your head to pulse the next morning like my heartbeat your tongue to taste like mine
I want to be unhealthy want to be bad habit to be addiction to be two weeks sober to be relapse to be six months sober to be relapse want you to come back to crawl back to beg to cry want you to feel every place I've ever touched you
I want you to realize what love is want you to stop using the word lightly want to get my heart's worth want you to know what you signed up for want you to understand what loving me means