Let's take it to the sunset Give me something I can get Why don't we make a bet
And for a few hours just forget -
That we're not supposed to be here
Dancing right in the middle of nowhere Smoke drifting through our hair And our laughter tainting the air
These few moments we have to spare
Drawing up theories
And living in stories
So here we build our own tiny skyscrapers And paint the walls our favorite colors Like those of sweet surrender
While walking down that road to forever
Maybe we won't even be together
After all these, tomorrow We return to time the moments we borrow When the sun paints the horizon with its promise So tonight, we revel in this happy demise
I ask of you a simple wish
To give me something I can get Something others do covet Like your promise of an escape to Neverland In the morning we'll return hand-in-hand
And even if I don't get both
I'll still be wasting another lifetime away Trying to forget (imagine) that one night we came to stray.