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Jul 2014
Another day has gone, night’s descended
Lingering thoughts have ebbed
Waves have left the shores of worries
Deluging the castles of sand
Washing away the pensive remnants
Along with it dreams of vainness
Carrying me along with the saline waters
Filling my lungs to the brim
Choking on the brine and spilling out anguish
Clawing on every grain of sand for support
Freely flowing out of my hands
Nothing seems to stay, which I want to hold to
Not finding my sinking feet to gain a hold
The night sky offers ray of hope
Fallen and defeated, fate washed away
Night sky showers me with the stars
Blinking far away, yet blanketing me
Another day’s gone and night descended
Under the canopy of night sky
I find my abode, away from glaring daylight
Amitav Radiance
Written by
Amitav Radiance
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