My Jailbird Brother you are both selfish and foolish and i'm not sure which is worse or which i envy more less than five hours you were home less than t h r e eĀ Ā h u n d r e d minutes a careless release, really but you wasted no time finding your way into trouble the same kind of trouble that got you taken away kept under lock and key when you should have been here growing up with me this wasn't how it was supposed to happen i envisioned hugs and tears and rambling stories instead i found drugs and fears and repressed memories i thought that when you came back it would be like you never left was exactly like that in the worst way like you really never went away you'd been here the whole time making messes and breaking hearts among so many other things making mom cry because look at you you're not the same you came back worse than when you'd left maybe they got it wrong maybe they sent back someone else you adapted to survive but there's a point where stoic turns cold and resilient becomes defensive and you're hiding your feelings to the point where you can't even even find them i never saw you as a criminal but now that's all you know how to be.