Walls I'd Carefully erected Deconstructed in A few moments of Brutal honesty and Embraced doubt You'll run You'll reject Never forgive Heaven forbid you forget
Those doubts, crushed When the pressure couldn't Be handled and I combusted Wall deconstructed Those bricks held in place by Mortar mixed with my lies Set carefully by insecurity, Crumbling in the explosion Telling me To just be
But now, not Too long later, I'm scrambling To pick up the pieces Gathering bricks and ashes Remixing my mortar of lies Trying to reconstruct My walls
I know That it isn't good, but It sure as hell feels easier Stack brick, on brick Hide away, All hide and no seek I know it's no good But it sure feels easier
I know Out of ashes can Come a beautiful new creation Redeemed and restored Because Lighting and sand make Glass in a storm Combine enough Pressure and heat and You get a diamond
I know beauty comes From ashes and I'm a rough cut diamond crafted By Greater Hands
But I still want to Scrape up the ashes Mix my mortar, Build my wall Because it may not be good, But it sure as hell feels easier
Help me believe Your diamonds are Better than My bricks Don't let me reconstruct My walls of Insecurity and Self-sufficiency Deconstructing all You've built in me