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Jul 2014
I want to be kissed in an art gallery

And cross streets without looking both ways,
Because we’re too busy,
Giving each other our own green lights.
(The sun was shining, and your smile was beautiful)

I smoke cigarettes as a metaphor
But I am not a book
Or exceptionally skinny
It still makes me feel romantic

I screamed at the top of a mountain,
And fell into my grave
All without leaving my bed.

I vow not to be a parent that looks the other way
And that punishes the symptoms
Of a sickness

Its hard not feel broken
When I can hear the rattling of my shattered insides

Its been a year since you died
I’m so sorry.

I used to draw.
I used to think beautifully.
I miss who I used to be, before I found myself

I have a whole world in my head
I am so much
I can’t wait to share it with someone

I’m not done living,
I have so much left to experience.
And I must find beauty in my distortions
If I’m ever going to make it out of here

Taylor Bart
Written by
Taylor Bart
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