I wish you came with an instruction manual, because loving you makes no sense.
I take that back because even if you did it would probably be written in German.
I try to put together pieces and all I see is handle with care but when I reach out, your body language says "don't touch me there." Not physically, not emotionally, and when I try mentally you yell "get out of my brain." Even in the same atmosphere our breathing is not the same.
I cling to your exhale and forget that I need to inhale. I pray that you're alive not worried about my imminent death, because once again, loving you just doesn't make sense.
Maybe if you had come with subtitles, I could love you better. So that I could read what you say instead of hear it, since the two never seem to be the same.
You make me feel deaf. And that would be okay if only American Sign Language was enough to make you stay. Why can't you just say how you feel so I can feel what you say?
You drown me with complacency and get mad when I can't stay afloat. You're screaming you can't handle this yet ask me why I'm walking towards the door.
We were supposed to be two beats, and one heart. I was supposed to love you right, but I don't know how..