I want to write a poem about how the poems I write are personal now. I want to write a poem about why this has become so. I want to write a poem explaining how everywhere my complaining is heard through my type-work my mind becomes a big ole **** and shoots me down. Ya know, I was once I flying bird. Who could live outside of herself, while also bringing out the within This is too personal. That I cannot r e s t, enjoy the characters I've created with the beater of my chest or a song or a quote or a word. instead Into the paper I come out. It is too personal. When I cannot seem to let it go to let me go and free my inner me's in pieces and in bits instead. Instead of dramatic fits, and murders of lines-- virtual ink inclined to think like me and respond to this tip, tap tying. Oh I am too personal With this bit, and that bit. Of me. And no more, do my stories reign The randomness is replaced with madness or glee whatever feeling I feel, in the poem it is therefore connected to me. I'm connected to every word. I want to write a poem, that not speaking for me. I want to write a poem. I want to write I want to not