My head or my heart Which will it be Which takes the lead And makes choices for me
Do I listen to my heart Or hand it the wheel Does it even know the difference Between what's felt and what's real
Or are feelings indeed real As real as cold hard facts They sure feel that way at times But there's something they lack
Feelings don't require reason They're really just mine I've no need to reconcile them With real life every time
If I can just feel Divorced from what's real I can make my own world Not feeling what others feel
See, this world I create Based on feelings and nothing more Is selectively emoted For my benefit, not yours
I admit it sounds thoughtless But I justify it, you see Because, well, I feel it And that's the end of the story
But reason enters in And yes, sometimes it ***** life From my felt-not-thought world But it cuts like a knife Through the clutter of my feelings Though they're heartfelt, it's true My head must lead on With my heart in tow, too
It's true, heartless is no way To live life cold and calculated But I think headless is unwise And, I feel, vastly overrated
For those moments we humans have trouble distinguishing feelings from reality. The struggle is real. ;-)