for the first time since i was 11 i look in the mirror and i actually like whats staring back at me
i don't know why it took so long to regain the feeling of self love and being content with less makeup or none in the mirror
i wish i know what could have happened when i started looking at my little 11 year old body and thought i was overweight
Oh my god i'm 75 pounds?! i remember thinking
I could blame my mom or the boys who paraded naked pictures of me criticizing my changing body in its early stages
i was made fun of for having supple ******* the first girl in my 4th grade class to wear a padded bra
i hated it every second of my changing body
i started to get curves and was known for having a "big ****"
and this "best friend" of mine told me she was glad she didn't have one
a boyfriend shot me down "you can't leave me because no one will want you"
mother and step dad made fat jokes when i was 14 because i'm not obsessive compulsive with my diet
now i look in the mirror and i'm so happy i love every curve from my arms to my ankles
and my dark brown eyes stare deep into you don't they? grandma wasn't kidding when she said people would pay THOUSANDS!! for these lips and this square jawline has it's perks
i used to get paranoid when people stared at me until i caught someone and they told me i was beautiful
thanks to my boyfriend who helped me to see myself in a different light again :)