In seven years every cell in my body will be replaced and you will have never .... laid your hand apon my thigh Stroked my cheek as you told me everything I wanted to hear Held my hand as you lead me to your room Grazed my ribs as my shirt came off Grasped my breast as you clawed for closeness Kissed my neck till I gave you my lips Nuzzled against every part of me till I giggled like a little girl Moaned my name till I let my walls crash down
But in seven years time every cell in your body will be replaced And I will have never Laid in the crease of your arm like it was my only home Kissed your lips like they gave me life Cuddled with you like you were the only solace I had Talked to you like you were the only one listening Trusted you like you were the only truth I'd ever know
Because in seven years you will be a newer you and I a newer I and what will our bodies remember of the week we two fell in lust
Wrote this on my dinner break my emotions wouldn't stop reeling