In these images I see you. I see your laugh, your smile your brilliant eyes. what makes me hope that maybe you are not so far is that I can hear you in the dark night skies.
they say stars sing until they turn to dust that worries me. because you went from human to star and when I go from human to star I don't want you to yet again find yourself far.
but for now stars do sing until they turn to dust and I could swim in your voice until you combust.
the ground beneath my feet have never been so uneven I'm starting to think I'm just a paper weight with a heart beat.
I never imagined it like this but then i never imagined you either. you were the kind of girl that wore glasses so you could read my mind better
and I wore my heart on my wrist but I never felt comfortable enough to roll up my sleeves. but you knew that so we talked until I found myself shirtless. stripped down to molecules only you could understand.
she is the reason i find that if you only save yourself you will find yourself alone. and the beauty of falling stars only last seconds until you are left blind once again.
they say everyone leaves a mark in this world. whether its a scar from your ex boyfriend or the hole in the wall from a picture you hung up with someone you once knew.
you left fingerprints all over my skin and glimmering foot prints in the sky.
my point is you can cover up scars with make up and you can take down the picture but just like the way the scar is still there and you cant do much about the hole in the wall
you left something under my skin that i cant describe and *******, I do wish you were alive.
The sky tells countless stories about warriors, lovers and heroes. Through constellations that spark sparkling pictures made of startling stars, I see your eyes.