The sensuous drool from the luscious lips Dripping on your chin, and confluence At the *****, where, eternal love resides The glistening stream of consciousness Only the two conscious souls are waiting for To take a leap of faith, and drenching the souls With the crystal clear consciousness of love Where passion resides at the bottomless bed Entwined like the eel, slithering to further depths Exploring the pearls of sensuality, cocooned in shells Hidden away from the worlds, only for the One to Take away all the spoil, the bandit of the heart Who uses the sword, with not the intent to **** But he uses it deftly to rip open more passion Leaving the mermaid wanting for more She is still unsatiated, and the game has just begun Gasping for breath, underwater, In synchronization like the ballet, they both emerge For a while, oblivious of the world Concerned only about the treasures, deep down And together they dive down, again, The bandit is always eyeing the treasure to be exploited Ready to drown, along with treasures of the heart