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May 2014
We say that we should take care of Mother Nature,
yet we destroy it in every hauntingly way possible.

We say that we shouldn't judge others by how they look,
yet we call them names and make them feel insecure.

We say that we should be nice towards others and to treat others with equality,
yet we backstab people behind their backs.

We say that we should love ourselves more as we love others,
yet we carry the scars that are like our clothes we wear daily.

We say that we should be thankful of what we have,
yet we take advantage of every kindness given at an open door.

We say that we should educate the future generations,
yet we are the ones to poison their mind with all inhumane acts.

We say that we should go back to things before technology were everyone's life,
yet we are attached and no one seems to leave their gadgets and making oral conversations.

We say that we should make a big difference,
yet we are so backtracked of what our surrounding seems to be.
Written by
Colette  Malaysia
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