mook was a strange old fella could blown him over with a breeze thin as a train track rail and just as rusted he drank hard but his heart was soft never had nothing but a kind word always gave a helping hand
mook was down by the old platte river fishing with an old line lazing in the hot summer sun when lucy happened upon him now lucy was a fast talking girl loose with her wares and cared not for a single soul good lord never carved something as cold as that woman's heart mook wasn't no rich fella mind ya but he always managed to keep his pocket full and lucy laid into that poorboy with a vengeance laid him low from behind never saw it comin
lament the poorboy gone to rest gathered like spoilt wheat before his time can almost see him with his old rucksack and a bottle of wine laughin like the sun dancing on summer lake dancing like you was truly free his was a time of life to see always put a feast to the table even if it was pork-n-beans an sour dough never let a man go hungry at his table lament the poor boy now he's gone
fool lucy went into town to the ***** house laid about with cursing and braggarting her dark deed she laid him down low with her cold hand shes laid up in the old jail now theres nothing to be learnt from this sad affair nothing good ever comesΒ Β from dark deeds but at least 'ole son is resting easy now walking up the river road with his rucksack and bottle of wine smiling like the sun and holding love in his heart for everyone
(for "mcdonald's mark" old friend from miles past who is in a better place)