My bed is double functional I use it to make love on And it is where my mind becomes extracted from my body and goes to planes of potent virtuosity Where the sheer sound of self-reflection is an incredible pleasure The body, a conveyor of material wants and superfluous desires is left behind in puzzled abandonment But the mind does not lament It blasts out of the squaller of the western world and all of its heavy reliance on demystified theatrics and the attempts of restoring a cleavered generation gap The mind’s finesse and savage grace carry it to a hypnotic river of awareness and comprehension The river bed is self-continued The latency stage is over, all indications point forward to end the played out injustice of self-deprivation , run with fluidity and quit the life of a spectator Then, pool into the communal crown Where we are all holy royal Where we are all enrolled enthusiasts of freedom from one’s own shackles of doubt and shame The corrupt coercion is out of favor and now we've assembled without the fear of involvement For we've been in play since we crawled out of the womb But it is now that we have decided to speak And this drastic turnover is first and foremost and idea, no more no less Not a law Not a war Not a religion Not and organization or a political party It is an idea to let the mind wander and find independence Independence from the body, the world and all the smoke and mirrors that pollute it daily Then grab the vibrations of positivity in terms of thought and action then touch with an extension of personality So go, live in your uptight, delightful, tangible world and dispel this theory I’ll stay here sitting astride this moot point -Tommy Johnson