Well, babe, I’ve been let go I am still learning how to let go. My hands are so tired. The people we once were, the you I once knew, evaporate into the rearview.
If you refuse to drive hell, if you won’t even touch the wheel we’ll keep speeding toward something too dark, something neither of us can name. I don't want that for us.
If not for me, then for you. If I take my foot off the gas, we go nowhere. You said, let go. But there is no way I can let go without leaving you behind.
We don’t have to crash. Babe, I’m tired. We’ve driven too far past the last exit to turn around. Skidded across the median more times than I’d like. I don’t mind the potholes, the chipped paint, or the blurred lines.
but if we pull over, I’m not getting back behind the wheel