It’s been over thirty-five years since I felt your motherly touch, and I no longer try to shape a garden of sorrow. Instead, I let the new grass flame, its green distinct from the old cold fire, whose embers tighten their ring with each passing year.
I find joy in the crepe myrtles unfolding into white, and the masses of yellow blossoms nestled in low bushes lining my walk to the gravel path— the one leading from the woods to your lone grave.
Grief is no longer larger than the heart of your memory, for around me blooms everything you left behind.
I watch your granddaughter, small as your grave marker, wander past your woods to the open meadow beyond, the whiter flowers she calls her playthings.
And I will follow, fall among those flowers, sink into the soft moss by the marsh— where her laughter carries echoes of your voice, where the petals hold the warmth of new hands. I will lie near the meadow’s edge, close to her, and closer still to you.