I journey towards the night watching the light recede. Awaiting me, an unsteady dreamscape of losing things and beings and never finding them.
But, there is also the ocean, of waves cradling me to sleep with the lullaby of my name’s repetition- marooning me from the sound of others, the fears, anxieties to come.
Yet, my unconscious tugs me towards the new tomorrow, forcing my drowsy mind to count backwards from sixty to one, until the gravity and heaviness retreats into the light and life to come—
the awakening that turns the dark blue inside to light blue sky, the rising eastern glow that is the morning star affirming to my eyelids that this dark life was just a dream of my fretful mind.
Awaiting me, the to-do list of my morning: the ritual of the toilet, scale, finger ******, Psyllium powder stirred in water, catering to my dog’s and wife’s love language of gourmet kibble and Nescafe— an A.M. life measured out in watery tablespoons of love.
The cadence of my feet lives itself out in thirty steps and half minute treks, a sacred pitter-patter in rhythm with my breath that allows the traumas of the past- the dead, the cancers, the broken houses destroyed and rebuilt- to exist in hidden memories and bad dreams.