I feel like society stupider with each year that passes by In an ocean of tears "cancel culture" has bred to cry Going deeper and deeper into debt A diving submarine Deeper than bottom of world's largest explored ravine No oxygen to saturate lungs because we keep cutting down forests Is it just me or does it seem like to Earth the human race is nothing but tourists? Just the smoke of warfare lingering once the end is reached Solution that will save our planet is one we choose not to teach I feel it is too late to make this sinking ship float No light at end of tunnel No safety net No lifeboat I don't believe in God above so there is nothing to rescue me now Just shallows which are strewn with sharp rocks anyhow Where the price of living increases quality of life plummets fast Predators prowl Disguised politicians controlling crowds amassed Nights filled with sounds of crying infants and gunfire Cats and dogs euthanized in shelters Number growing ever higher The majority of generation too busy clubbing to care How come only a couple of us are aware? Treating less fortunate like carpets on the floor Unless happening to them issues are easier to ignore Miniscule portion of millennials are willing to ***** their expensive boots Rather dance to mindless beats (That is until someone short-circuits and shoots) That's what it necessitates for them to focus on what matters Oblivious up to the instant their sensory defenses shatter Then victims share their harrowing account False sense of security revealed They tally up the body count Experiences that in past would change character for the greater Now shrugged off with a wave (As long as there's a compensator) And the judicial system mostly for show Judges and prosecutors more corrupt than population could know I'm searching for tangible proof this is truly the "land-of-the-free" If I establish this message until echoed will I have weapons pointed at me? Our government abandoned us Requests are seldom heard Self-protecting entities whose morals are all blurred The people stumble through mud looking for a light Darkness used to divide us pretending there's only black-and-white It's one extreme or other Exists no in-between Stuck inside the matrix distracted by a slow-motion routine Cycle repeated historically at such length it's difficult to recognize This facade is choreographed right in front of our very eyes Meandering as if we are born lost sheep Badly deficient of guidance ***** we're climbing too steep We require a little push in the right direction Declaring difference between patrol and protection Each of us is so immersed in the pursuit of our own bliss Don't realize in the process of grabbing we also fall into the abyss And pull others with us so at least there's company there When you're alone failure is much harder to bear Reality is a ticking bomb nobody wants to face If we don't figure out an answer eventually mankind will be erased For things to become better we ALL must take a stand Stop acting selfishly instead lend those suffering a hand
Some musings about the state of this country I am stuck in