Well, I guess we need To send out the hounds. For the crafty sheepdogs To go pick out the bad actors Hiding among the crowds. Look over your shoulder, There's that chill again, The heat is rising And you can feel something creeping. Let it take you on, Lest it take you over. We've been Building momentum, Silently growing Like a beautiful lotus Or festering fungus. It's just a matter of perspective, It's only a matter of time. Give in, or give up. Fly if you will, Fight if you think you must, But listen to your neighbors. Are you honest? Are you trusting? Are you nurturing? Don't worry, don't stress out; We're gonna figure each angle, Lay out all the motives. It's all there On the internet, And freely given! You had a choice, you made a choice- You dressed up the bed, now rest in it.