Six-shooters are holstered, swords are scabbard, arrows are un-nocked, blades are sheathed. Not in the course Of one petty conflict, But comparatively throughout history. There is more intergovernmental cooperation, More trade and tourism, More declarations and treaties. The common person Has greater breadth of movement In travel of classes & region. The ignition of all these dormant conflicts Will not lead to any new or better resolution But, more likely than not, More conflagration & revolution. To win or to lose In a game of confusion With the strategy of lies & ambiguity. Better than to limply concede And forfeit all claim to belief In what you fought to seat.
And in fifty years from now Some blasted fool shall say: The ignition of all these dormant conflicts Will not lead to any new or better resolution But, more likely than not, More conflagration & revolution.