I drink when I awaken; I drink until I sleep. I drink for what I should forget, And drink for what I'll keep.
I drink for all that I Have lost; I drink for what I've Found.
I drink when all my Friends are here, And when they aren't Around.
On every morn', I have a drink, To rouse me from My bed,
And every night I drink to sleep When I lay down My head.
I drink when life Comes over me; And when I wish For death.
I drink because The 'sober' me Deserves to not Draw breath.
I drink when I feel Happy; And drink when I'm Depressed.
And drink to calm my Racing thoughts; Allow my mind A breath.
I've drank for over Twenty years; They haven't been The best...
I'll drink for long as I am here, And drink until my death.
A poem about my alcoholism. To those who are "true" alcoholics like I am, (started at 15, cannot just quit cold turkey or the shakes come first, and the hallucinating and convulsions after) I write this to let you know you aren't alone. And to those who have managed to overcome this affliction, I wish you truly the best. As for me? I probably don't have too much time left, but I think I'll keep on. Sometimes it's better to have a little relief than a lot of pain I can't handle. And nobody can stand me when I'm sober; not even myself.