They done killed the working man And wrote an album about them, Wiped out all them Cheddar heads- Milk men's dead. Somewhere a queen is weeping, Somewhere a king has no wife; Something called Neanderthalis As another word for a human, a person. These, members of my family as relatives, Who are bonded to us in blood Both in the veins of our hands As much as they stain them. But to that bond, There is a responsibility to honor And a duty to you entrusted. That is, The depth to it is much more than this Lest you be the least of us. In paying respect to those come before And bringing up those now born, In endeavoring to do more & be more. Whatever facet, whatever role; Be kind and civil, Stand up to injustice. Protect the weak As an advocate made strong By virtue & wisdom. Turn on, tune in, turn up, awaken; There is nothing wrong with your television set, Have you checked the programming? As timeless as infinity, In the middle-ground between Light and shadow - Between science and superstition. Through holes in canvases Of freshly painted things, Strange & otherworldly, Aching to be discovered And dying to be seen.