It's never safe, and it's rarely very easy It's a wild ride and it can make me queasy Even though your heart might break It's never more than you can take It's quite a risk and you might lose a lot And still, you gotta give it all you got It's dangerous, that much is true It's dangerous, and it's coming for you Some call you crazy, others "out of touch" To some it is crazy, it's all a bit much He turned love totally upside down He came to serve, not the other way 'round His love was radical and reckless and free To show a crazy world how it really ought to be He was passionate, but tender and mild And he looked with the eyes of a child He went to the outskirts and healed the sick The infirm in the flesh or in the spirit The very light of the world died For the sake of the life of the world He challenged our thinking, had a wild streak But you'd be amazed if you heard him speak So, even in the risk and the danger There is something even stranger None of it matters, none of it could Because he isn't safe, but he is good