The dead woman’s cat in the furrows of the garden does not let herself be picked up although hungry and thin after five days with the dead woman and a night in the rain. It has gone to join the other feral cats among the junk behind the house. To be outrageously ******. On my way to work I try to entice it with false friendship, guilt that the dead woman is dead.
On my way home I buy a can of cat food but can’t find the cat. I let her go to her fate. Later that night I try again but there’s a tom waiting in her place.
Maybe I could have saved her if I’d known her husband overdosed last week. Just maybe, no more. I ask the neighbors what happened to the kid. The kid lives with her grandparents, they just used her for welfare.
I used to say Somebody dies every day, it’s normal. Walking through a residential part of town I frightened a cat into the street where it was hit by a car. The car drove on and the cat jumped high in the air over and over to escape the pain. I caught it and held it at the side of the road until it died and left it in high grass behind a house, sorry I couldn’t do more for it. A young boy on a bicycle stood nearby the whole time then rode silently away.