I forgive you I do But right now You have no clue I'm too sad To be near you
I'm overwhelming I'm nagging I'm begging and pleading I'm unbearable And you're there Under my skin Just beneath my grin It's not the right time For you to finish my rhymes
We never said goodbye Now it's hello again Are we friends Or is this pretend I'm so fragile You have no idea
I say I'm playing it cool Then call you like a fool No answer No answer I realize My crazy banter
Then you text me a day later And all is fine But I'm out of my mind I miss you I always did But it's deeper than that I'm a lost kid
I'm sick and afraid Alone and ashamed Desperate for comfort Desperate for compassion I run to you I run and run And plunge into your soul Never wanting to let go But you don't want to be that close Again
I understand, old friend That's smart That's who you always are But I'm fragile I'm broken Looking for old pieces Hiding in familiar faces To tape me back up To keep me standing Life is so demanding
And I'm missing the main piece I can't be put back together again After losing you the first few hundred times my friend I think it was finally my end Then again Here I am I'm just fragile And broken Wondering if you'll be there with me Again
Uh it's late idk I wrote this one on the fly don't judge *** I don't think it makes sense hahaha