i knocked on your door, you opened with a smile; you knocked on mine, i returned the favour; the building was empty - or at least, the people living in it. you were different, though - you were full of little surprises. you were gentle - like your touches; and your kisses; and your movements; and my solitude: of which - you stripped me, with your movements; your kisses; and your touches; you shook me, to say the least. i was a sick man - literally, and otherwise: and it rubbed off on you, a bit. yet, you leaned on me; pressed me; cupped me; grazed your lips against the wet corner of mine - swooning; drooling; licking; me choking on cigarette smoke. you choking - every now and then. you sick freak! your uffs… your aahs… your mmms… your every breath. i loved you - more than anything in the world in that moment; that exquisite moment. my eyes flickering; my heart pounding; my silence, silencing. it was just right; you were enough, in that moment, and all that was you -