I'm busy on break Mind is at stake Endless work and anxiety from school Making myself a fool To do hobbies to be burned out Continuous counting about My stitches Constantly looking if my art needs any stitches To bring it all together Just to put it in the corner over there Just so no one can see my drawings
I'm too busy on break My wrists need a long break Yet I can't pull away, it just feels so magnetic I feel so hectic I can never catch a single break because of myself Just so I can put items on the shelf Waiting to sell out
I want- no- yearn for a break Yet I'm always busy on my week long breaks Taking care of things left and right It feels as if I can barely see the light I hate it Dealing with everyone's **** Is this really the consequences of having a job? Where I'm being renamed as Bob? To the point where I'm so tired that I need to move every second so I can get untired?
I'm so ******* exhausted It feels like I just got deported Just tie me onto a bed Make dreams go to my head Make me go into a deep slumber Now I don't have to cut timber Make my muscles relax Just so I can relax Just so I can remove my eye bags Get all the hot rags And put them on my forehead Whenever I'm in bed So this sickness will go away Just so everything can go away Remove all the stress on my shoulders And place them ontop of boulders See if the boulders would break because of how much weight there would be
Just a poem about working on my break. It's taking a toll on my body but that's okay! At least I can see children happy! I'm sick right now and it's so fun!(Thanks Toby/Caesar for the sickness that I 100% needed!) Though, the sickness was talking about the work, you can use it in both ways 🤷