is this is some kind of nocturnal dance ? one to tune the world to whim it's spun around our column you saturate into the night purple and staining unrestrained beaming in your hostility and blue as wishes i approach rude as great depth you supper on my motion scupper me whilst looking as bleached as surrender or behave so i charge after you inflated and the moonlight is revealed
moon mewling and fully realized now for illuminated clouds to have their bellies torn at the earth charges with gymnastic prat you go at witchcraft in a pranky manner girling and ferning your thrift score gown you drag this disco into the greeting forest the treating darkness fills in like furniture addition and the beats quicken to encourage
i tail you with athletic mammalian stride whilst you whip your expressions weaponized at my pursuit
but both of us have nature on our side germing with merit every hunter every heat there's teeth between those tree and we dance oscillate with grins and battling antics wiving the night music