We fit toge ther seamlessly like the numbers on a digital alarm clock, moving without hesi tation, from one figure to the next, a movement of time transi tioning, unsettling, unnotica
bly building on and constructing ourselves within the construction of time itself. We are the only static constant, the on ly reliable source: time keeps moving forward, and so will we —
Last night, when I couldn't fall asleep, I was staring at the numbers on my alarm clock, and I saw the numbers change. The numbers go past so frequently but it's only when we're paying attention that we see them. Yet they move and change whether we are watching them or not. We all do the same. We are all still moving forward in our own ways beyond the scrutiny of others. This thought of inevitable movement and passing of time provided me with enough of a sense of security to fall asleep. I hope it offers you a similar peace.