These are the skin that covers. Bones and ligaments to join and organize structure. Blood that sustains and nourishes life.
All that we are:
Our hate
Our doubt
Our grief:
Pores to let protective skin breath. Marrow to create nourishing stream. Veins to channel crimson flow.
Negative benign yet indispensable Without which is lump of flesh
Love working in hate
Faith in doubt
Joy in grief
Willing to bleed Willing to feel
Ready and willing To be human without fear
Our trust
Our compassion
Our virtue:
Animation in our motionless bodies. Cross-fertilization in super-natural selection. Elements of dark and beautiful metamorphosis.
Denied too often
Food of the gods
All that we are
Essence of ever-changing universe
PLEASE NOTE: In this write, 'HATE' does not imply hating people. It speaks of hating the negative things in this world such as racism, myriad forms of abuse, power-mongering, etc. etc.