It's true, I usually don't know what to do What if I'm not around long enough to follow through? Never know if my way or the highway is the right way What did that sign say? Will it be possible to recognize this impending last day Even if just a day before it's referred to as "Ah shiit, is that today?" This is foul, Where do I go and what do I do now? And just because I know what to do doesn't mean I'll comprehend the how Who in their right mind could stand here and say they could handle the architecture and atmosphere of so many types of conflicting fear? Who's the stranger with the black soul looking back at me in the mirror? I wish it was clearer But there's never a gene around ever Take note that not every question has a viable answer While some answers only raise more questions after filtering through questionable ******* banter That's why there's a little manic in the laughter And a wave of panic soon after