Man is still very much like an animal though he has a human form and continues to evolve with the passage of time which is the norm. He has arrived with the impressions that are of the lower creation to erase them from his psyche as he moves up to a higher station. The various races of people in the world give an indication of this by the way they live and eat or means of survival we can't dismiss.
There's also the observation that some people look like animals perhaps due to a strong relationship, in past lives, to those in stalls; a few similarities can be seen in the behaviour and existence of some people to creatures of a lower form with consistence. It's likely here that a human soul in the reincarnating phase is still shedding impressions according to this theory we praise.
However, nature's provided man with ways of progressing higher developing and cultivating his mind and intelligence to go further. By overcoming those obstacles which hold him down to the earth he's able to rise above his lowly origins that come with his birth. This creative evolutionary push seems to have favored certain people for we only have to look around in the world regardless of any steeple.
There's also the little known factor of the ages which the earth goes through, together with the rest of the solar system, that are not obvious to view. For the earth and the rest of the planets revolve around the sun we know but what does the sun together with all the planets revolve around and go? Science hasn't yet found out apart from the center of our milky way galaxy which is what everything else in it happens to do as well for it's a guarantee.
These ages numbering four last for about twenty four thousand years as the sun revolves around something greater than itself and so bears the weight of responsibility for what goes on within its own domain much like the seasons of the year that on the earth we know to sustain. For as the sun moves closer* to its center of orbit there's a gradual change that goes on within the mind of man and his environment of a huge range.
The rise and fall of all those past civilizations is a good indication of this with the current advancement in technology we're also unable to dismiss. For we're all going through an acceleration in the acquisition of knowledge that's being revealed as we move into the present age with all our baggage. And until we reach the saturation point that may just be a long way off yet we'll continue to evolve and find things out that hopefully we won't regret. _________ Notes: *or further away from.
Written Dec'22. This could be one of the most challenging philosophical poems anyone may read. I sincerely hope that no one is offended but the subject matter is not meant to be racist as we're all in the same boat of existence in one way or another moving forward with an evolutionary push. As far as the mention of any Ages that the Earth passes through I've written another poem titled: 'The Mystery of the Four Ages' which explains a little more about these 'Ages' and has also been posted on HP for some time. My main objective is to inform about things that I've found out about and believe to be true unless proven wrong for this is part of the push that we're all going through to find out about the truth of our existence and which fascinates me.