I see so many ads now they feed into my insecurities and help me to notice everything that is wrong with me.
"Got stretch marks?" they ask, and my eyes shamefully trace down my chest to my inner thighs and I learn to hate what I see.
So I read on, hoping to learn how to get rid of the natural signs of an ageing vessel "Neosporin, coconut oil, and olive, and they'll be gone in a week."
The ads proclaim, and so I do as they say because how can I be pretty if no one else thinks me so?
"10 Tips on How to Get the Relationship of Your Dreams" "5 Signs that You're Not as Pretty as You Think You Are" "4 Things to Try to Spice Up Your *** Life"
"1 Way to Tell Whether the Creepy Old Man on the Corner Thinks You're Worthy of Being Catcalled by Him"
I read on, trying to understand what it is to be pretty but the more I see, the more hopeless I become
Men will only ever see me as a piece of meat, just a pair of **** and an ***, only there for their enjoyment or pleasure.
but I am not here to make things easy, I am more than the sum of my parts, more than my cellulite and hip dips
I revel in my stretch marks I have grown into the woman I am today, and I refuse to erase the proof of that.
I am not here to be a ******* incubator. I am not here for man's pleasure.