Oh my rose in bell jar! From time to time I watch you from afar, Keeping you in my peripheral vision avoiding the precision to acknowledge your decaying red;
But I notice You've become more lively in this unbearable gray time, Tell me is it your favourite crime to mock my remaining solitude? Isn't suggesting doubtful hope to a dying person start of a cruel dispute?
Ah! I've known that cruelty you're trying so hard to resurrect, You were the witness once And You know he was the only one That ever charming prince on a white horse Seemed like a promising escape from my fancy confinement, eh?
With a swooning smile he bought my hospitality And I fell in hope, He claimed he had never seen such a beauty Oh I wish I told him then this beauty will last till her awaited twenty first; Forbidden to leave the cage doomed with a witch's rage;
That could've spared me from this additional catastrophe of heartbreak;
Let me continue;
Soon shy smiles and secret glances bloomed into hearty laughs and sensual dances And I had never felt more beautiful in anyone's presence;
My gloomy fort now welcomed these festive winds And I giddily waited for my blossoming spring ;
But somebody should've told me that nothing feels bitter than the failed exchange of hearts ;
You see, I gave him colours but with that he painted another visage from his past, Love rekindled in his heart and it was me left with burns and scars;
But instead of blood there were sparkles that kept my vision lighted and filled my imaginary with scenes from dreamy novels; And I got addicted these mocking hopes again;
So, my dear rose in bell jar! Tell me are these imaginations bewitching you too? Are you blushing or are you angry? You're being too red to give me a clue;