pressed against a gentle river of bedsheets falling loose from the mattress with every wave to finally intertwine in the rythym of our heartbeats i cannot help being depraved, as each motion makes me crave
"adore me, adore me, all that much, and more" i plead, i cry, and his hands overwhelm mine "a pretty little thing, obedient and kind, perfect for a *****" as long as he gives me attention, all will be fine
all he's ever shown is the blushing red of kisses and bites and all he's ever known is a cruel kind of rational but even with all the flowers he gives, he never seems to fight and it all seems to decay into something entirely foul
im done with the suffocating scent of amaryllis that i let fill my arteries the sweet sticky pollen that tightens my throat so i can no longer breathe