Worldly kingdoms emerge, rise and eventually fall but there's one kingdom that does outlast them all. It is eternal which means it has no beginning or end though most people in the world don't comprehend.
It has been written and talked about in so many scriptures yet in the external world doesn't form part of any fixtures. No matter how grand a structure or building is erected that it may represent or how many people daily, under its roof for worship, they devoutly frequent.
The kingdom of the everlasting Soul is to be found within us all and doesn't really have any roof, floor, pulpit or containing wall. Its own image and essence is all of a glorious Eternal Supreme Being that with Its own grace, knowledge, light and love one can be seeing.
All we have to do is to acknowledge Its presence and look within, live our daily lives in accordance with the Truth which is Its Twin that the highest practical wisdom is based on known to mankind and has been handed down from ages past for humanity to bind.
This doesn't mean that It belongs or is particular to just one religious belief but encompasses them all through which people seek to find worldly relief; because of Its glorious Eternal nature It also has unfathomable or infinite attributes and beyond the limited mind of man to comprehend though philosophy contributes.
Even the laws of every country or state are based on the Truth; though due to age old corruption is hardly discerned from youth. As people have a strong tendency to seek and satisfy there own selfish interests that go against the universal principles inherent in the wisdom the Soul bequests.
These universal principles are really the backbone of all spiritual aspiration that have to be adhered to if there's to be any further evolution or realisation, of mankind's true nature and individual or collective higher moral development which is a unified and holistic existence that by the Truth of the Soul is vent. ___________________