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Mar 2021
Hot dripping air
What I was doing
Was not that much rare
But something was meant to be special
Me clueless of what's happening
We all playing some stuff
But there was a guy examining
The hot driping air

He wasn't the charming one
But he got the ocean eyes
That grib my heart for seconds
And then it ached due to interests
Unaffected by my ache
Not familiar with my crush
He was still examining the air

Me being puzzled in the group
That is known for fun
I wanted to just escape some
Seconds from the crowd
The stuff that they were playing
Was truth and dare
I chose the exception this time
And got the desirable

Task was to company that guy
Who wasn't interested in stuff
Who was so rough
And acts more tough
He being considered the danger zone
Cool dudes thought it would
Be disaster
But that was all I wanted
I wanted that task and
Company the air examination

It wasn't that hard
Nor that easy
I had my guard
But I was also scared
He wasn't taht disinteresting
Yes he was exceptional
I wanted to sit a while longer
I like my friends
And he then became my friend

This is how a dumb *****
Met an exceptional boy
And he passed that smile
Which could carry me to miles
Thus meeting was cosy
And thus was how I know him
Written by
Yamini  19/F
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