When I left home, I was broken and bruised. Daddy took it out on me When he fell victim to the *****. I thought when I graduated, I'd finally get to choose. Find a world where the bars played rock instead of the blues. The day everything changed, There was a fork in the road. There was a wise old man, And this is what I was told. "If you go to the left, you'll stay in hell. But you'll get your revenge when he dies in a cell. But if you don't want revenge, go to the right. You'll travel the world, you'll make a difference. But it will be hard to sleep at night." I didn't even think. I ran to the right. He told me it would never be the same If I ever had to come back. But I was okay with that. I had everything I needed in my sack. Five years later, I woke up alone in bed. A purple heart hung above my head. Even though I am where I am today, I don't regret it. Because when I go to my grave, When someone is asked to describe me, They'll say "he was brave."