Suddenly the dark clouds appeared! A cry of disbelief! A cry of despair! The agony of a heart breaking!
The mind clouded overΒ Β Relentlessly trying to push the pain away! "Breathe! Breathe! Remember to breathe! ...." He said to himself, "Remember it is just a rainy day. "
He continued to breathe for years and years Reminding himself, "We all have reasons we grieve." Until one day he realized there was a purpose.
"It was the lessons of the grief That opened his heart to understanding." It is here where fellowship began to bloom Opening the door to something much deeper....
Longfellow, I stood still! During all of "The Rainy Day" days. Fully opened and allowed the tears and memories to flow...
And the lotus flower of the heart opened One at a time Petal by petal
He looked up into the top of the Tree of Life The Dove came Hopping down it's branches Singing to him - a song Dropping the fruit of wisdom One fruit at a time! Into his heart.
Hearts rejoice! Hearts full of laughter! Heart's still longing Yet comforted With Love!
We each have a different understanding and lesson we gain from grief. What is yours?