ashley is dimples and bangs she is freckles scattered from cheek to cheek, the sun never failing to show her love. ashley is shy smiles paired with fiddling hands one moment, a wheezy laugh with an arm clutching her aching stomach the next. ashley is a fixer. she’s like an addict looking for their next head rush, instead of tracking down drugs, she tracks down projects. people who are hurting, drains that aren’t draining, hearts that are breaking. doing anything and everything in her power to mend what she can. she will put the hurting minds at ease with words of affirmation, she will fearlessly rid the drain of the ball of hair the size of a small animal, and she will piece together the breaking hearts with the tape that is holding her own broken heart intact. ashley is strong. unaware of her own strength, and often forgetting that she’s been to the darkest places and back. she is patient. knowing that sometimes you have to endure the bad to later revel in the good. she is compassionate. giving out more love than she receives and willingly doing it again the next day. ashley is unmatched. She will sit with you in the dark when you are unable to find the bright side of things She will validate the feelings that you thought no one would care or dare to comprehend. She will walk into your life and leave a footprint on your heart, making it absolutely impossible to remember what life was like without her. She will change your life without even trying, without even realizing. and yes, change can be scary, but things are never as scary as they seem when you’ve got a best friend like ashley.