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Jan 2021
we played doom music on our drive to the shops.
the deafening sound
of heavy guitar chords ringing in my ears reminds me of our happy days.
adventures into new found city escapes,
guitar hero living rooms,
night spent; endlessly filled with talking.
years together, yet still so much to discover between each other.

the deafening sound,
reminds me of our happy days.
almost enough that i forget the bad.
i hope one day,
thundering music,
reminds me of blissful memories;
happy days of a once beautiful love.

maybe one day,
we can find our own peace,
and these memories can still be our dearest treasures,
from our first love.
my first love hurt me deeply. though i don’t love him anymore, i hope one day he and i can look upon our first love as a beautiful memory we both shared together.
Written by
cat  19/F/Newcastle, Australia
(19/F/Newcastle, Australia)   
   Safana and Imran Islam
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