I'll be honest here I don't know why I feel the need to say I'll be honest.
People who say they're going to be honest usually are honestly ****** people.
(Or are people with high anxiety.) [Who feel the need to clarify everything.] -Not that I need to clarify everything.- ......
Anyway, I am confused and confounded by how people treat each other, sexualizing this or that about who or whom.
When I see people I usually wonder a few things: They're stunningly beautiful. Will I ever know them? What kind of person are they? Would they mind if I talked to them?
I can tell you the answer to all these wonderings, but there's no need to spoil the fun go ask them yourself.
The most I've ever wanted from someone was to know their name, for many even that is too much.
There's an idea here, somewhere, about how people judge everyone they meet by the previous people they've met.
People become jaded from all that wants to take advantage of them, that in the end it becomes natural to stare out a window instead of talking to the person next to you on the train.