what can you say to someone who is slowly sinking into their own self-hatred?
to a person who can’t even cry themselves to sleep?
to a dreamer turned insomniac?
to a hopeless romantic now only hopeless?
to someone with tired eyes and bruised knuckles?
to someone who flinches at your touch as if it hurts, but can hurt themselves without a second thought?
to someone who drives down a small-town road at 76 miles per hour, who isn’t trying to crash but wouldn’t care if they did?
to someone who loves the earth but hates the people living here?
to someone who assures you that everything will be alright despite not believing in their own words?
to someone who you are terrified to lose, but who claims to have lost themselves a long time ago?
you can say “please don’t leave me” or “I love you” or “I need you” or “I’m trying to be ok and I’m doing my best. but I don’t know how to get through this without you by my side.”
you can say all of this and more, but you have to realize that they might not be listening.