so here I am, here I go. here I put my bottom, base on this shiny, gleamy surface. my face gleaming with joy. sitting, I can’t help but babble about how every movement moves a bubble, and how my wetness combines with the wet and cold from underneath. how about a nap, I ask? how about some deserved rest? it seems like an easy task, I don’t mind a random pest. laying down I feel the caress of the cold and liquid hand. hugging me down, I am flawless in my sparkly pose to mend my sleeping missed. all went good so far, I’m thinking. I’ll close my eyes for a wee bit. after sundown I get up. to sit some more, wet in my lap enjoying my portion of sunshine knit by those warm golden hands of her - the almost-sleeping beauty curved. caress me more while you can, in the night I’ll entertain my man the colder, bolder, plumpy gent who’ll make wet more cold. I can get ready to meet him, instead more sitting there, rather than unnecessary lifting the good-for-nothing clothes. already having gone through these roads I’ll lose my covers anyhow. now ******* to wow the silver moonlight. after all will be over he hands me down a four-leafed clover, laughing how good a joke that always is - knowing where my ***** sat and sits. I’ll smile politely and nod understanding time to cover myself, not anymore waiting to be in the spotlight. reaching a new low in such height, indecisive about what to do, I’ll choose not to choose. sitting in wet, red, I don’t lose.